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Banking Law

Business assistance

When dealing with credit institutions, you need support that knows how to effectively contrast the regulations in force.


Bank contracts are often standard and do not protect the uniqueness of medium and small businesses . 

IURECONSULTI Law Firm is a partner for assisting companies in the re-negotiation of their relations with banks . 

Banking litigation

Banking litigation is an area that raises many concerns, especially when it is necessary to protect the interests of business or professional realities . 


To face this important challenge, the IURECONSULTI Law Firm has created around itself a pool made up of the firm's professionals, consultants and collaborators who for years have been preparing to support companies and professional realities.


We are aware that two important elements concur in this context : 

  • The bank contracts   are often subject to variations due to a continuous challenge between financial operators on a very competitive market.

  • Jurisprudence moves at a speed often not aligned with that of contractual updates and it becomes difficult to manage this gap if not with extreme precision and preparation.


The Law Firm manages this type of litigation in the best possible way with a high level of updating of its work team, including in bank arbitration and mediation proceedings.

These precautions allow companies to optimize time, reduce costs, streamline procedures and maximize productivity, all ideal conditions for a good and wise business culture.

Opposition to executions

We are also present in the support of our client in the executions promoted by the banking institutions towards the principal debtor or any guarantors. 


Tell us your case

Banking litigation is extremely complex and technical.

Our studio offers specific training for its professionals and external consultants.

We will be able to advise customers on possible strategies to improve their relationship with the world of credit and assist them in any litigation that may arise.

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